Der Krim-Kammerchor
Lesen Sie eine kurze Präsentation des Chors (Stand 2003), der schon in den ersten Jahren beachtliche internationale Erfolge erzielte:
Director and conductor: Igor Mykhaylevsky
Crimean Chamber Choir gave its first performance in 1996. The choir was created by the graduate of the Donetsk Сonservatory of name Sergei Prokofiev Igor Mykhaylevsky. During 7 years of its existence the choir gave many concerts and has become the winner of numerous competitions and festivals:
- International Festival of Slavonic culture in Crimea, 1996
- International Festival “Choeur de Savoie” in France, 1996
- Festival of the Sacred Music in Crimea, 1996
Christmas concerts in France and Switzerland (Bernex-Geneve, Thonon-les-Bains, Evian-les-Bains, Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, Allinges, Strasbourg, Woerth), 1997
Grand Christmas Concerts in Ukraine, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001
Easter Assembly in Crimea, 1997, 2000
IV International Choir Competition “HARMONIE’99” in Germany (Silver medal)
XIX Semana Coral International de Alava in Spain and concerts in France (Lyon, Le Puy), 2000
Premiere of “The Sealed Angel” of Rodion Schedrin in Crimea, 2001
6 Festival Choral International in Provence, France and Italy, concerts in Milan, 2001
6th International Choir Contest of Flanders, Belgium (3 place), concerts in France (Paris, Rennes, Marly le Roi,), concerts in Germany (Nossen, Grimma, Koara), 2001
Christmas concerts in Crimea, Italy and France; 2002
7 Festival Choral International in Provence, France and Italy, concerts in Lyon, 2002
Premiere of works by Georgi Sviridov “LADOGA”, “Pushkin’s wreath” and Yury Falik “The Autumn Songs” in Crimea, 2002
International Choral Contest in Netherlands (“Gold”), 2002
Christmas concerts in France and Germany, 2003
Easter concerts in France and Italy, 2003
International Choral Academy in Mirpoix, France, 2003
8 Festival Choral International in Provence, France and Italy, concerts in Friuli, Venice, 2003
Crimean Chamber Choir is a mixed one and is comprised of 40 members: graduates of conservatories, Musical Institutes, colleges, students. The fact that such a group appeared on the ancient land of Tavrida is not incidental. This land gave birth to Christian religion in Russia. Crimean Chamber Choir through the power of art calls people to faith, goodwill, peace and friendship.
Crimean choir performing in Crimea’s major concert halls, has premiered in Crimea many of the Western, Russian, Ukrainian classical masterpieces, that were forbidden here during the Soviet period. Some of the works performed in the 7 years have included: “Vespers” by Rachmaninov, “Liturgy of St. John Chrisostom” by Rachmaninov, Stetsenko, Tschaikowsky, Hohe messe by Bach, “John of Damascus” by Taneev, excerpts from “John Grozny” by Prokofiev, choral music on Leskov’s “The Sealed Angel” by Schedrin, music to tragedy Tolstoy " Tsar Feodor John” by Sviridov, choral concert “Puschkin’s wreath” on the text A. Puschkin by Sviridov, choral cycle “Ladoga” by Sviridov, choral cycle “The Autumn songs” by Falik and also music by Leontovitcch, Scheremetiev, Tchesnokov, Borthiansky, Arhangelsky, Bernstein and are a lot of other pieces. Crimean Chamber Choir’s Christmas and Easter concerts have also long become a Crimea tradition and are broadcast on TV channels.
In April 2002 director and conductor of Crimean Chamber Choir was awarded by a rank “The Deserved figure of arts of Independent Republic of Crimea“.